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RealFacts is a platform for up-to-date information on the stock market, economic trends, and real estate. We provide investors the Information they need to know where their money is going and how it's growing.

What is RealFacts?

Ken Holman, CEO and Founder of RealFacts.

RealFacts was designed to be a reliable source for the most relevant and up-to-date investing information. Founded by Ken Holman, an experienced Real Estate Investment Advisor and Founder and CEO of Overland Corp., RealFacts can be used by everyone from seasoned investors to beginners.


Whether you are just reading or actively looking for projects to invest your money into, RealFacts is your go-to source to stay informed. 

Our Story

What is RealFacts?

RealFacts ® , Inc. is focused on providing investors with the most current information regarding the two largest investment categories in the United States, i.e. real estate and stocks. These two asset classes, along with bonds, comprise the bulk of the investment capital in the U.S.

Why real estate and stocks?

In 2023, real estate investments surpassed stocks in most investors' portfolios, with 30% of capital allocated to real estate, up from 26% in 2021. The commercial real estate value in the U.S. ranges from $18 trillion to $22 trillion, and residential housing exceeds $43.4 trillion, totaling between $61 trillion and $65 trillion. The U.S. stock market's capitalization stands at $50.8 trillion, while the global bond market reached $126.9 trillion in 2021, with the U.S. accounting for about $49.5 trillion.

Real estate investment involves property acquisition or REITs, while stocks entail buying company shares. REITs historically yield a 11.9% annual return, compared to 10% for stocks. Real estate offers inflation hedging, tax advantages, and lower volatility but faces liquidity and diversification challenges.

To achieve diversification, investors should allocate 50% to stocks, 30% to real estate, and 20% to cash, bonds, and short-term debt. This allocation optimizes portfolio sustainability and profitability. Overall, the dominant U.S. investment categories are real estate, stocks, and bonds, with RealFacts® providing insights to help investors maximize returns.

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